#!/usr/local/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2001 David M. Turner # CFGCGI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # CFGCGI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # Requires 5.6, but I don't know why. Well, I know about the open my $fh # stuff, but even when I remove that, it still breaks under 5.005_004 use CGI; use Data::Dumper; use strict; $CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 100; # max 100K posts $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads #an alternation package alt; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my ($class, @items) = @_; my $self = {}; push @{$self->{items}}, @items; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub produce { my ($self, $oldgrammar, $grammar, $depth) = @_; my $i = int rand @{$self->{items}}; my $item = $self->{items}->[$i]; return $item->produce ($oldgrammar, $grammar, $depth + 1); } #a concatenation package cat; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my ($class, @items) = @_; my $self; if (@items > 1) { $self = {}; push @{$self->{items}}, @items; bless $self, $class; } else { $self = $items[0]; } return $self; } sub produce { my ($self, $oldgrammar, $grammar, $depth) = @_; my $item; foreach (@{$self->{items}}) { $item .= $_->produce ($oldgrammar, $grammar, $depth + 1); } return $item; } package term; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my ($class, $text) = @_; my $self = {text => $text}; ; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub produce { my ($self, $grammar, $funcgrammar, $depth) = @_; $main::showprod && print " " x $depth . "Terminal $self->{text}
\n"; return $self->{text}; } package funcall; sub new { my ($class, $func, @args) = @_; my $self; $self = { func => $func, args => \@args}; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub produce { my ($self, $oldgrammar, $grammar, $depth) = @_; my %newgrammar = %$grammar; $main::showprod && print " " x $depth . "Function call $self->{func}
\n"; my @formals = $grammar->{$self->{func}}->formalparams; if (@formals != @{$self->{args}}) { die "Wrong number of formal parameters to func $self->{func}. Expected " . scalar @formals . ", got " . scalar @{$self->{args}}; } for (my $i = 0; $i < @formals; $i++) { $newgrammar{$formals [$i]} = $self->{args}->[$i]; } $grammar->{$self->{func}}->produce ($grammar, \%newgrammar, $depth); } package func; sub new { my ($class, $contents, @formalparams) = @_; my $self = {formalparams => \@formalparams, contents => $contents, }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub formalparams { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{formalparams}}; } sub produce { my ($self, $oldgrammar, $grammar, $depth) = @_; $self->{contents}->produce ($oldgrammar, $grammar, $depth + 1); } package nonterm; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my ($class, $text) = @_; my $self = {text => $text}; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub produce { my ($self, $oldgrammar, $grammar, $depth) = @_; if ($depth > 1000) { die "Too deep recursion. You probably have an infinite loop. I was trying to produce nonterminal $self->{text}, but the error might be in some terminal which produces $self->{text}. Try turning trace on." ; } my $nonterm = $self->{text}; $main::showprod && print " " x $depth . "Nonterminal $nonterm
\n"; unless (defined ($grammar->{$nonterm})) { die "Reference to undefined nonterminal '$nonterm'"; } return $grammar->{$nonterm}->produce ($oldgrammar, $oldgrammar, $depth + 1); } sub text { return shift->{text}; } package token; sub new { my ($class, $text, $charpos) = @_; my $self = {text => $text, charpos => $charpos}; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub text { return shift->{text}; } sub charpos { return shift->{charpos}; } package main; #Given a token ("terminal" or nonterminal), returns the appropriate #parse tree element sub t_nt { my ($element) = @_; if ($element =~ /^"(.*)"$/) { return new term ($1); } else { return new nonterm ($element); } } sub parse { my ($items) = @_; my $state = 'init'; my (@cat, @alts, @params, $func); while (@$items) { my $tok = shift @$items; my $i = $tok->text; if ($state eq 'init') { if ($i eq '|') { die $tok->charpos . " Token Unexpected |"; } elsif ($i eq ')') { die $tok->charpos . " Token Unmatched )"; } elsif ($i eq ']') { die $tok->charpos . " Token Unmatched ]"; } elsif ($i eq '(') { push @cat, parse ($items); $state = 'cat'; } elsif ($i eq '[') { die $tok->charpos . " Token [ before nonterminal"; } else { push @cat, t_nt ($i); $state = 'cat'; } } elsif ($state eq 'cat') { if ($i eq '|') { push @alts, new cat (@cat); @cat = (); } elsif ($i eq ')') { if (!@cat) { die $tok->charpos . " Token ) following | or ( makes no sense"; } push @alts, new cat (@cat); return new alt (@alts); } elsif ($i eq '(') { push @cat, parse ($items); } elsif ($i eq '[') { my $func = pop @cat; if (ref ($func) ne 'nonterm') { die $tok->charpos . " Token [ must follow nonterminal, not " . ref ($func); } $func = $func->text; push @cat, new funcall ($func, parse ($items)); } elsif ($i eq ']') { push @alts, new cat (@cat); push @params, new alt (@alts); return @params; } elsif ($i eq ',') { push @alts, new cat (@cat); push @params, new alt (@alts); @alts = @cat = (); } else { push @cat, t_nt ($i); } } } push @alts, new cat (@cat); return new alt (@alts); } sub parsegrammar { my $input = shift; my (@tokens, @params); my ($grammar, $nonterm, $pos, $nextnonterm); my $state = "readtokens"; #break the grammar down into tokens consisting of #a string or a word or a symbol |=(){}[] or a comment #... while ($input =~ m/("(?:[^"\\]*(?:\\")*)*"|[[:alpha:]]+|\d+|[][,{}|()=\#])/gs) { my $tok = $1; # print "$tok\n"; #in any state if ($tok eq '#') { #comment $input =~ m/$/smg; next; } if ($state eq "readtokens") { if ($tok eq '{') { $state = "readformals"; $nextnonterm = (pop @tokens)->text; } elsif ($tok eq '=') { #new production $nextnonterm = (pop @tokens)->text; if ($nextnonterm !~ /^\w+$/) { die pos ($input) . " Token Item before = was not a valid nonterminal. Did you use {} when you meant to use []?"; } } else { #ordinary token push @tokens, new token ($tok, pos ($input)); } if ($tok eq '=' || $tok eq '{') { if (@tokens) { if (@params) { $grammar->{$nonterm} = new func (parse (\@tokens), @params); @params = (); } else { $grammar->{$nonterm} = parse (\@tokens); } if (@tokens) { die pos ($input) . " Token Tokens were left on stack"; } } $nonterm = $nextnonterm; } } elsif ($state eq "readformals") { if ($tok eq '=') { #new production $state = "readtokens"; } elsif ($tok eq '}' || $tok eq ',') { #ignore } elsif ($tok eq '[' || $tok eq ']' || $tok eq '[' || $tok eq '|') { die pos ($input) . " Token Unexpected token $tok in formal parameter list"; } else { #formal param push @params, $tok; } } $pos = pos ($input); } pos $input = $pos; if (@tokens) { if (@params) { $grammar->{$nonterm} = new func (parse (\@tokens), @params); @params = (); } else { $grammar->{$nonterm} = parse (\@tokens); } if (@tokens) { die pos ($input) . " Token Tokens were left on stack"; } } if ($input=~ /\G\s*\S/gs) { die pos ($input) . " Unprocessed input remains"; } unless (exists $grammar->{S}) { die "0 No start state. Please add a state named 'S'"; } print "\n"; return $grammar; } #a template looks like: # #section1: #blah #blah #section2: #more #stuff #... #This returns { section1 => "blah\nblah", section2 => "more\nstuff"} sub parsetemplate { my $file = shift; my ($section, $template) = "__COMMENTS"; -s $file || die "Can't open template $template"; open my $fh, $file || die "Can't open template $template"; while (<$fh>) { if (/^(\w+):/) { $section = $1; } else { $template->{$section} .= $_; } } close $fh; $template; } #prints a specific section of a template with the supplied set of variable bindings sub printsect { my ($template, $bindings, @sect) = @_; foreach my $sect (@sect) { my $output = $template->{$sect}; $output =~ s/\$\$(\w+)/$bindings->{$1}/g; print $output; } } sub escape { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/"/\%22/g; #"; $text =~ s/>/\%3e/g; $text =~ s/param ("showprod")) { $main::showprod = 1; } my $tmpl = parsetemplate ("cfg.html"); print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n\n"; #print Dumper $tmpl; printsect ($tmpl, {}, 'head'); my $newgram = $q->param ('newgram'); my $oldgram = $q->param ('oldgram'); my $submit = $q->param ('Submit'); if ($submit eq 'Revert') { $newgram = unescape ($oldgram); } if ($newgram !~ /\S/s) { open my $fh, "grammar"; $newgram = join '', <$fh>; close $fh; $oldgram = escape ($newgram); } my $grammar = eval { parsegrammar ($newgram); }; if ($@) { my ($pos, $token, $err) = ($@ =~ /^(\d+)\s*((?:Token)?)\s*(.*)/); $err = $@; $err =~ s/at .*? line \d+\.$//; $pos -= ($token ? 1 : 0); my $errgram = substr ($newgram, 0, $pos) . ''; my $rest = substr ($newgram, $pos); if ($token) { #If it's a token error $rest =~ m/("(?:[^"\\]*(?:\\")*)*"|[[:alpha:]]+|\d+|[][,{}|()=\#])(.*)/s; $errgram .= "$1$2"; } else { $errgram .= "HERE$rest"; } $errgram = "
"; printsect ($tmpl, {err => $err, errgram => $errgram}, 'error'); printsect ($tmpl, {newgram => $newgram, oldgram => $oldgram, showprod => $main::showprod ? "CHECKED" : "" }, 'edit', 'foot'); exit 0; } printsect ($tmpl, {newgram => $newgram, oldgram => $oldgram, showprod => $main::showprod ? "CHECKED" : "" }, 'edit', 'sample'); my $err; for (1..15) { my $sample; eval { print "
Nonterminal S
\n" if $main::showprod; $sample = $grammar->{S}->produce ($grammar, $grammar); }; if ($@) { $err = $@; $err =~ s/at .*? line \d+\.$//; print "Error during production stage: $err"; last; } else { printsect ($tmpl, {sample => $sample}, 'sampleitem', ); } } if (!$err && $submit eq 'Save') { my $tmpgrammar = join '', map { ('a'..'z')[rand 26]} (1..10); `cp grammar grammars/$tmpgrammar`; open my $fh, ">grammar"; print $fh $newgram; close $fh; } printsect ($tmpl, {}, 'endsample', 'foot');